My favorite songs by decade (50's to 00's)
My songs of the 50's
Ah! The beginnings of rock and pop, youth making music for themselves on both sides of the ocean, Europe and United States. With the decline of the old order since then, the world wouldn't be the same.
My songs of the 60's
Yé-yé music first, and psychedelic at last. A decade of many changes, not only in music but also in culture and customs of western society, where are already included the Far East, Latin America and Africa.
My songs of the 70's
Emergence of massive musical styles and sound experiments that seem unthinkable in the past. Music of peace, music of anger, leisure music, militant music. These were years of transition where music once again would change to new ways.
My songs of the 80's
All right, perhaps you may like it or not the music of this decade. What you can't deny is that what you hear nowadays is the result of years of inventiveness and imagination of the boys and girls of this decade. Many genres trivialized, others are forgotten.
My songs of the 90's
Keep it simple. This may have been the motto of many people in this decade. Everything sounds like acoustic guitar and samples from old musical gems. You can take me wrong: there also was authenticity and it was the last decade to bring excelent music from all over the world.
My songs of the 00's
Is it the decline of the music in the world? New performers monopolize the charts while a few freelance artists struggle to keep alive the essence of music. I didn't say that good music is over, you just had to search harder.